Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Making progress!

Marble stoops. A staple in many Baltimore City neighborhoods.
(Photo courtesy of Google Images & provided by

Tonight we did not have class so I decided to spend the extra time wisely and visit the Langsdale Library. The librarian helped me find three books: "Baltimore Architecture", "Great Baltimore Houses", and "Beyond the White Marble Steps". Luckily, I am able to check them out for an entire month!

I am still having issues with photo placement and adding captions, which is kind of frustrating because I'm excited to take photos and add them to my blog. Other than that, I seem to have a plethora of resources out there regarding my topic which is a huge burden off my shoulders.

I plan on visiting the Maryland Historical Society hopefully sometime next week and another trip to Enoch Pratt Library’s Maryland Room soon because they had an incredible amount of articles and newspaper clippings (some with photographs, though the quality was poor) when I was there last week.

Next week is going to be stressful for me because I have a big project due for another class on Thursday night. Hopefully I’ll find the time to complete the other project, visit the other libraries, and post a new blog before the deadline!

P.S. By the time I finished this entry I discovered how to add captions to photos. Yay me!

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